What Qualities Should You Look For In a Personal Trainer
Tips for Hiring a Personal Trainer
If you are looking to improve your health and are looking for a Trainer, here are some tips for you to help you on your journey. How do you go about finding the personal trainer that is right for you? Have you done a Google search within your city to see what pops up, or have you gone with a referral from a trusted friend? Which ever route you choose, here are a few things you should remember when prospecting for a qualified personal trainer.
Prospecting for a Qualified Personal Trainer
1) What experience do they have? Was their work experience at a front counter of the gym, or do they have actual experience conditioning clients? You should also ask how they train their clients, where they have worked in the past and most importantly, why are they a personal trainer?
2) Do you like them? Because you will have to see this person regularly, if you don’t like them from the initial meeting, chances are good you won’t like them after a few sessions. This can really hinder your progress, especially if you are not excited about going to the gym.
3) Do they have insurance? This is an important fact to consider, because if you get injured, who will pay for your treatment? A qualified fitness professional will understand the importance of insurance and will have no problem ensuring they are covered.
4) Are they a certified personal trainer? It is important to hire a personal trainer who is certified through a school that offers certifications of reputable organizations such as ACSM, ACE, NSCA or the BCRPA.
5) Do they track your progress and workouts? The best way to track your progress is to have frequent assessments. Make sure your trainer is documenting everything about your sessions in a file, so you have a way of tracking your progress or lack of. If you are not making progress, and nothing is written down, how do you know what the problem is or how to correct it?
6) Do they stay up to date by taking continuing education courses? There is always new information in the world of health and fitness, and it is important for your personal trainer to stay up to date on this information. Look for a exercise specialist who is consistently taking courses and studying. If they are challenging themselves, they will be able to challenge you as well.
7) Do you like their coaching style? Does your fitness professional know how to motivate you effectively or do they sit on a stability ball and watch t.v during your session? It is important to know what style of coaching your personal trainer has or you may find their approach demotivating.
Find the Right Personal Trainer For You
There are a number of factors to consider in finding the right personal trainer for you, so take your time and do your research. A great personal trainer will have no problem providing a interview for you to ask the questions you want answered.