How to Generate Successful Sales in Your Personal Training Business
Increase Your Personal Training Business Revenue
Are you looking to increase your personal training business revenue, but find it hard to sell your services? Do you cringe at the thought of sales? If so, you are not alone! In fact, many personal trainers feel this way. Why? They tend to think of selling as being pushy and bothersome. Is this you? Then don’t worry, there is a simple solution. It basically requires that you change your perspective about sales. You just need to remember you are selling what you love – health and fitness! Selling becomes more comfortable when you step away from the thought that it is something dirty. You are simply taking your passion for fitness and sharing it with others so they can live a healthy and happy life – just like you!
Selling Your Service Is Really Just Selling Yourself
When it comes to your personal training business, selling your service is all about selling yourself and your knowledge. The best way to sell your knowledge is by listening to your clients during the initial consultation. You need to explore and find out specifically what they are hoping to achieve with their goals. The best way to do this is by asking succinct questions, listen to the answers and then clarify. Let your clients dominate the conversation and talk about themselves. While they are talking, make sure you take clear, concise notes. Taking notes shows clients you are professional and care about their needs and goals. Make sure you ask short, concise questions and listen carefully to what is driving them emotionally. Some pertinent questions to include in your initial consultation should be:
- Do you have any injuries or health concerns?
- What are your top three goals?
- Have you had a trainer before, if so, why did you stop seeing him/her?
- What are your expectations of me?
- What do you feel are potential barriers to you achieving your goals?
- Why do you feel you haven’t been successful up to now?
- Why are you hiring a trainer now as opposed to 6-months ago?
These questions help reveal their “hot buttons”, or in other words, their motivation for wanting to get healthy and fit. Once you know what this is, all you need to do is simply explain how you plan to help them achieve their goals.
Make a Plan and Present it to your Client
The next step to selling yourself and your personal training business is sharing with your clients your fantastic plan of action. Give your clients a basic overview of how you are going to get them from point A to point B. People want to know what they are buying into and what makes you different from all of the other Personal Trainers in the business.
Your initial plan shouldn’t be too specific, but you do want to chart out with them what their week will look like so they know what to expect ahead of time. Giving an outline detailing your approach will show clients that you are professional, organized and competent; it also gives them a chance to see what is realistic and attainable.
Explain that once they have signed on, you will be doing cardiovascular, strength and flexibility testing which will help you make a plan that is specific to their current fitness level, needs and goals. Doing your consultations this way will put you in the professional driver seat and show case what you have to offer and your personal training business. It gives purpose to what you are selling. Basically, what will impact people the most is your faith in them and yourself. People want to hear your positive message and action plan.
Other Things to Consider for a Successful Personal Training Business
1) Don’t look desperate – People will wonder about your abilities if your schedule is wide open. There needs to be a delicate balance when booking appointments. People want to think that you are desirable and therefore valuable. Ask them what days and approximate times they would like to train, then give them two options for each day. If those times don’t work, then let them know that you will have to get back to them so that you can make other arrangements to fit them in. Let them know they are valuable and you will make your schedule work.
2) Make sure you are always prepared for consultations and sessions – Arrive early and ensure that you have all the necessary paperwork and equipment (blood pressure cuff, weight scale etc). Nothing is worse than to appear disorganized. You need to show clients that they have made the right decision in choosing to work with you.
3) Take the time to listen – Avoid doing all the talking, ask lots of questions and then listen intently for their answers. Remember in the business of personal training, your job is to listen. Often clients impart pertinent information when you least expect it, which can help with program design or fulfilling special needs.
4) Take the time to show gratitude for their business – Follow up with new clients by sending them a thank you card. Remember they are putting their time, money and faith in you. Clients appreciate being appreciated.
Follow up on all leads. Remind them of their “hot buttons” and let them know of all the great services you offer to help them achieve their goals.
5) Have a good personal training business plan – Many trainers are good at personal training, but not so great at business. Beyond the whole human aspect of personal training, you need to have a way of getting your name out to bring in clients. Take some business courses that teach you how to utilize social media and put together an ad campaign so people know how to find you. The business of personal training has to do with attracting people to your human side; so make sure you have the right plan.
Selling doesn’t have to be a dirty word. Historically trainers have regarded sales as something negative. It doesn’t have to be. Remember, your personal training business is about selling health and fitness. You are offering clients an opportunity to better themselves. You simply have to believe that what you are selling is valuable. Changing your mind about sales will help your personal training business flourish.
Cathie Glennon – BCRPA/SFL
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