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Magnesium and it’s Role in Vital Function

Magnesium helps us regulate more than 300 enzyme systems.

Magnesium Helps Regulate More Than 300 Enzyme Systems

Magnesium is a mineral prescribed frequently in the Natural healthcare profession for a variety of symptoms and ailments. People often question what it’s role is in the vital function of our body. The answer is wide and varied.

First and foremost, it helps us regulate more than 300 enzyme systems in the body which include the regulation of protein synthesis, serum glucose, blood pressure, muscle and nerve function. It is also required for energy production and contributes to the development of bone.

Required for Energy Production

The average adult body has approximately 25gm of magnesium stored with the majority being kept in the bones and soft tissue. Less than 1% of these stores are found in the blood. It is largely controlled by the kidneys and is flushed out in the urine daily and therefore needs to be supplemented on a regular basis.


Magnesium deficiency has major effects on the body causing many symptoms and in time creates disease. These symptoms in the early stages include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. However, over time these will escalate to more severe issues such as anxiety attacks, asthma, blood clots, bowel diseases, cystitis, depression, heart disease (abnormal heart rhythms, coronary spasms or high blood pressure), insomnia, kidney or liver disease and conditions related to the musculoskeletal or nerve system (numbness, tingling, muscle contractions and cramps, seizures).

Deficiency Symptoms

Deficiency symptoms would lead to the question of how much is needed on a daily basis to keep us in good health? Again the answer to this is wide and varied and would be dependent on age, gender and in the case of women whether or not they are currently pregnant or lactating. Review the chart included to see what dose you should be taking for your specific situation.

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)

Recommended Dietary Allowance for MagnesiumMagnesium is known to treat a variety of conditions. The most general and common use would be as a laxative and antacid. Under many circumstances it is used to help treat heart conditions including angina, atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, hypertension, low HDL cholesterol, mitral valve prolapse and stroke. It has been known to be used in the treatment of fibromyalgia, glaucoma, hypoglycemia, kidney stones, migraine, osteoporosis and premenstrual syndrome.

It has been used by athletes to increase energy and endurance. Athletes also use Epsom salt baths and magnesium oil to help with muscle spasms and cramps.

There are many types of magnesium, the difference being the percentage and absorbability of the particular form. See the chart attached to better understand which one that may work better for you.

Found in Many Forms

As shown it can be found in many forms however, as with all nutrients, the best source is through nature. Food sources include green leafy vegetables, beans, peas, soybeans, nuts and whole grains. Eating nutrients as whole food is always to best way to ensure none of the nutritional value is lost in the refinement process. Contact a health professional, such a naturopath or nutritionist, to discuss the other forms which may be more specific to your particular condition. Start decreasing your risk of magnesium deficiency today by adding in the foods mentioned to help improve your health.

Article Citations:

  • Natural Medicines Comprehensive DataBase: ISBN# 0-9676136-2-0

Cathie Glennon, BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer, BCRPA SFL