Up to 90% of athletes suffer low back problems and injuries at some point.
Low back pain among athletes is rampant: Up to 90 per cent of athletes suffer low back injuries at some point.
Treating low back problems and injuries requires a thorough understanding of the anatomy and biomechanics of the lumbar spine. Personal trainers and physical therapists play a significant role in guiding the athletes’ recovery from lumbar spine injuries and ensuring that athletes have sufficient strength and control to start their training again.
Managing Low Back Problems helps personal trainers recognize and treat the lumbar spine injuries that are common in athletes.
Low Back Disorders, Third Edition Online CE Course Guides Fitness professionals through assessment and treatment of lower back pain, providing evidence-based research on the most effective methods of rehabilitation and prevention of future lower back injuries.
This course is based on the third edition of Low Back Disorders by internationally recognized low back specialist Stuart McGill—presents the research and applications of back anatomy and biomechanics to build effective prevention and rehabilitation programs for patients or clients.
Build effective lower back programs
The course includes:
- Over 500 photos and graphs
- 50 tests and exercises with step by step instructions
- Online videos that demonstrate exercises found in the Ebook
- Course syllabus
- chapter objectives
- End of chapter learning activities
The final exam consists of 50 multiple-choice and true-or-false questions that address concepts throughout the course materials. Upon passing the exam, individuals can print out and submit their certificate for continuing education credits.
- Certified Fitness Professional (i.e., Personal Trainer, Group Fitness, Aqua Fitness, or another fitness related certification)
Student Information
ACSM: 20
ISSA: 20.0
NSCA: 1.1
Payment Plan Option(s)
Additional Information
Financial Assistance