ACE Functional Aging Specialist

Become an expert in the largest and fastest-growing segment of the fitness market become a ACE Functional Aging Specialist

What’s in the curriculum?

This specialist program is a comprehensive course for health and fitness professionals who want to become experts in functional aging. You will receive in-depth training on functional training strategies and movements, including how to conduct meaningful assessments of function, how to develop effective exercise programs, and how to develop the critical skills to be an effective fitness professional for this growing population.

How do I become an ACE Functional Aging Specialist?

This program consists of three lessons for a total of 13 modules. Lesson formats vary and include manuals, videos or both. You must pass a 30-question examination after each lesson. You will have three attempts to pass the exam with a score of 80% or higher. Upon successful completion of all lessons, you will be recognized as a Functional Aging Specialist by the Functional Aging Institute (FAI).

In addition, you will be added to the FAI’s certified professional map, where potential clients can find a FAI certified trainer in their area. Please note: This specialist program has a renewal period of two years. To renew, you must report 20 CEUs to FAI and pay a renewal fee of $49.

Course Outline

In this lesson, we’ll explore a global perspective on active ageing and look at some common myths associated with this population. You will learn about the hierarchy of physical function, the Nagi Model of Disablement and the multiple factors for human function. Finally, we will examine several functional fitness assessment tools and discuss which are appropriate for which populations.

  • Understanding mature adults
  • Applied physiology of ageing
  • Functional ageing and exercise
  • Health and functional fitness assessment

This lesson is focused on the seven principles, four cornerstones and two pillars of the Functional Aging Training Model. You’ll also explore the basics of three-dimensional training and learn the biomechanical impacts of training on active agers.

  • The Functional Aging Training Model
  • Functional training basics
  • Basic functional ageing training techniques (Parts 1 & 2)

In Lesson 3 we’ll discuss functional movement patterns and various levels of progression and regression. We will work through warmups, program design, dynamic exercises and flexibility. Finally, we will wrap up with an overview of safety guidelines.

  • Functional progressions and regressions
  • Functional movement preparation
  • Functional flexibility
  • Functional ageing training program design
  • Individual and small group training strategies
  • Safety and monitoring mature clients



  • Certified Personal Trainer

Student Information

ACE: 1.0

Payment Plan Option(s)

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